Grus self portrait


Welcome to Grus Garden!

My name is Grus, and I collect stories, pictures, and sounds of my nature friends around the world. I share them with visitors here in Grus Garden. Of course I hope you stick around and explore, but I don't want you to get lost, so here's an overview:

  • Here, on the Greetings page, I'll keep you up to date on changes around the Garden. I'll also share some of the related stories I see out there in the wilds of the Internet.
  • Grins is my favorite corner of the Garden. There you'll find some of the inspiring stories of nature's triumph and beauty.
  • The Groans section is the darkest corner of the Garden, the place where I mourn the friends and places I have lost.
  • Anyone who has met me, knows that I sing at every opportunity. The Grooves section of the Garden celebrates the music of the earth.
  • I hope most of the Garden is nice and orderly, but it wouldn't be natural without a little chaos! The Growls section is dedicated to contested topics and struggles.
  • And of course, every garden needs an area dedicated to their family. If you want to learn about my beautiful, boisterous family, please visit the Grus section, where you can learn about my Grus canadensis (Sandhill Crane) siblings and several of my other crane cousins.

Coming soon: Grus Grub – Breakfast news from my cousins around the world!!!