Waxy Monkey Tree Frog

Amphibian Angst

I don't know about you, but if I kissed this adorable guy, and he suddenly turned into a prince, I would be disappointed. I can't imagine a prince more charming than a waxy monkey tree frog! Unfortunately, the way things are going, little fellows like this may end up being rarer than princes.

Frogs and their fellow amphibians are in trouble. Nearly a third of them are either threatened or endangered. Many biologists have come to the conclusion that the only way to save them is to keep them in zoos until the threats that face them in the wild are under control.

Why should we care? Frogs are cute, but is this threat really important? The Grus clan says yes!!! They play key roles in many ecosystems around the world. Amphibians have lived here for a very long time—even longer than the Grus clan—so their rapid decline also suggests a major threat to all of us.

Global Threats to Frogs

Golden Frog Green mantella

Water Pollution – Frog health is one important indicator of water safety. When chemicals or E-waste aer dumped, toxins leach into the water table. The frogs are often the first to show it.

Habitat Loss – Development and construction on wetlands destroys frog habitat, leaving them no place to live or reproduce.

Climate Change – Frogs require specific environmental conditions to thrive. As the climate changes, they become more vulnerable to disease and to:

Fungal Infections – A deadly fungus has decimated frog populations around the world. Weakened by the conditions listed above, many frog species are now extinct in the wild.

What Can We Do to Help?

Kids Watching Endnagered Frogs California Red-Legged Frog

E-Cycle Responsibily – Obsolete electronics dumped into landfills—or processed in unscrupulous recycling facilities—poison the water the frogs need to survive. For a list of certified E-Cyclers near you, check out the e-Stewards program.
Save Energy – All those great things you do to fight global warming also help the frogs.
Support Watershed Conservation – Learn about efforts to protect the watersheds in your local area.
Share the Wonder of Nature - These children are watching a group of threatened California Red-Legged Frogs.
Learn More About Frogs at the following sites: