Henry W. Coe State Park sign

The largest park in northern California, and the second largest in California's park system, Henry W. Coe includes steep canyons, rugged hills, and excellent wildlife habitat.

Please write to California representatives to ask them to support the parks. If you don't live in California, your letters still are important, particularly if parks influence your interest in visiting the state. Remember that this is an economic issue, so it will help if you write about the money you spend at local businesses while you are visiting the parks. You can also support one of the foundations that is helping to fund the threatened parks. You can find a list of foundations here.
To find out more about what you can do to help save California's State Parks by going to the California State Parks Foundation webside (http://www.calparks.org/).
Please also check the Save Our State Parks website (http://savestateparks.org/) and follow them on Facebook.
Thank you!!!

Steep Terrain for Great Views!!!

Bench with a view, Henry W. Coe State Park Camp Site in Henry W. Coe State Park

The vertical terrain in Henry W. Coe State Park brings spectacular views to visitors.

A Ranching Past

Bench dedicating the Henry W. Coe park to the people of California Old farm equipment at Henry W. Coe State Park

In the late 19th century, the land that is now Henry W. Coe State Park was part of a patchwork of ranches. In 1953 Sada Coe Robinson donated the land that had been her father's ranch and the park was born.

Hardy Hikers Wanted

A trail in Henry W. Coe State Park Hillside in Henry W. Coe State Park

250 miles of roads and trails wind through the park. Many are open to mountain bikes as well as hikers. Some areas are very isolated and ideal for backpacking.